Sunday, June 14, 2015

"American Sniper" by Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen, and Jim DeFelice Book Review

Since the beginning of the book Chris Kyle's inherent courage and strength to protect his people and especially to protect his family. He wanted to be beneficial to people whether it was entertaining them as a bull rider or serving his country to protect his country. When he first joined the Navy they belittled him because he was older than most of the recruits and thought that he wouldn't make it through the entire recruiting exercises that usually scare off any weak links. He was a candid man that was fighting for what he wanted and for what he knew was right. A lot of people on society to day should be more like him and fight for what they want and don't let anyone try to scare you away from accomplishing you dreams and goals in life. You shouldn't let anyone debase you just like Chris didn't let anyone debase him and you can become an amazing person and a hero to the people who matter to you.

When I become eminent in a place that I've worked in or at school I  feel like I've done something to impress people or like I've accomplished something because people know me for the good things I've done and for my personality. I exhort people to do what they want to do in life and encourage my friends to do good in school because I know that it will help them for their future. Chris Kyle did the same thing by helping injured soldiers that came back home from serving their country and lost a limb and I find that very inspiration especially since he was emotionally wounded. His facility to go help his brothers from war was amazing and he helped a lot of people except for one person who was not able to be helped. I think that not everyone can be helped until they are ready to be helped and to let someone in to help them and not a lot of people are ready for that. He is an epitome for all the people out there who want to fight form their goals in life or who want to be the best at what they do and stay modest about it. On the day of his funeral and many days afterwards millions of people extolled Chris Kyle for his amazing service in the U.S Military and for being an amazing person who helped bring peoples family members home and was an amazing father and husband. He is an amazing man who will be missed today and who has taught me to follow what I want to do in life and what I want to be known for and don't let anyone stop you from accomplishing it.

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