Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee book review

I thought that the book "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee was a very good book that I couldn't put down. I felt that I could relate parts of the book with personal experiences and with today's society. For example when Jem sees snow form the first time on pages 73 and 74 all he wanted to do was build a snowman and make the snow last for a long time. I feel like I can relate to this because I was like that the first time I saw snow and I'm sure a lot of other people were like that as well. It also reaches out to what grown up might feel when they don't understand their children or children in their family like uncle Jack went through. Uncle Jack went through a lesson with Jean Louise when she was fighting with her cousin Francis and he didn't listen to both sides of the story which is not a fair way to decide the rightful punishment for fighting. I think that Uncle Jack is a paragon because he learned from his mistakes and it encouraged him to want to have kids even though he didn't understand them all too well. This book contains a lot of life lessons that can remind us of old memories or remind us of the unfair things we do in life that makes people go through unnecessary consequences throughout their life.

The book also showed me how a persons opinion on how they view things should not change the way you view things all the time and that you should listen to what people older than you have to say because it could be for your benefit. When Jem notices through the perusal of Jean Louise that she had gum in her mouth, he mandated that she was to spit it out and rinse her mouth because she should not be eating something that she found in a tree. I thought that this was a good life lesson because now a days it isn't safe for you to eat something that you found because you never know what could be in it. The way people perceive you through your visage the first time they meet you can lead you to have obscured talents or skills because the person might not pay attention to you as much as they would view someone who impressed them. This is why the children became incensed when Mrs. Dubose told them that they would never get respectable jobs with what they were wearing that day even though they don't need to worry about those things yet. I think that Harper Lee was not superfluous when he explained the mood or the feeling of the characters when something happened or when they experienced something new. There wasn't a moment when reading it that I thought that there was a dearth in a chapter or a paragraph which made for an easy and compelling story. I was very jocund about the Boo Ridley house and the family who lived there because I was portentous in knowing that they would leave the house and that the kids would end up liking them.

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